Just when we thought cuffing season was coming to a close, a pandemic set in threatening to forever halt the hopes of finding love over 40 Million singles in the US. The COVID-19 brought shock and panic in almost every form and none more threatening that in dating. In practicing social distancing many singles grappled with how to still make connection NOW more than ever before and stay safe. Cue the virtual date! As many online apps scrambled to not have this crisis cut off their business. As a result virtual dating is now become a thing even while many people struggle with the idea of conventional dating. Below find The Love Engineer’s definition of virtual dating as well as 5 really fun virtual dates that you can go on during this quarantine and have a great time.
What is a virtual date?
A virtual date is a way to connect and get to know a potential partner using technology that enables both people to see and interact with each other due to being unable to physically be in the same space.
In order to have the best virtual dates possible treat it as an actual date. You want your appearance to communicate care and interest. As in you CARE about your appearance and you are INTERESTED in learning more about your date. Just remember to be comfortable. The virtual dates you could have are only limited to your imagination and the strength of your WIFI connection. So do make sure you have a great signal and go have fun…virtually
Here are 5 easy yet fun Virtual Date Ideas
Grab a Drink - This tried and true version of connection works well virtually. You pour a glass of your favorite beverage and your partner does the same. Turn on a camera and sip and share.
Go for a walk - Pick a place outside maybe a park or even around the block and throw on some comfy shoes and go walking while you both take a journey with your cameras on. You can point out interesting things you see on your walk and your partner can do the same.
Play Games - I say all the time if you really want to get to know someone, play a game with them. Virtual games like getting to know you bingo, or pictionary or conversation games like The War on Love, allows you add in fun and keep it light.
Share a Meal- Select an easy recipe (15-20 mins) like tacos and both of you get the ingredients and turn on your camera and make it together, or just eat a meal separately prepared. Gives you a chance to understand do they enjoy cooking, have they ever taken a cooking class and more.
Do a virtual tour - Many art galleries, zoos and several places are offering virtual tours. Select one to check out together and discuss what you learned or liked about it and so much more.
Virtual dating though a relatively new concept may be something the lingers long after the quarantine is over and we are able to return to fancy restaurants and festivals again. The benefits are plenty. It doesn’t replace the need or desire for physical connection. Yet upfront, it offers a safe, inexpensive way to truly get to experience the vibes and energy of another person before committing to spend a larger amount of time together. It takes less coordination than a coffee date and yet can create foundation that can be just as strong.
What are some other virtual date ideas you would add?
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