
Black Women Are Selfish - This is US

A Woman’s Job

Reading the comment section of the latest episode of “This is Us” two things became very apparent. One, many people are in unhealthy relationships and two there are two very distinct schools of thoughts when it comes to relationships. At first glance it seemed to follow the color line, according to my girl Ashley, from Sex with Ashley. Though the comment section is indeed filled with plenty of White Women who can’t even fathom the thought, that Beth, would have the nerve to do anything other than stop, drop and roll all of her dreams into a ball and throw them in the closet with her voice and opinions. Upon further investigation I realized this isn’t a Black Woman/White Woman issue. It’s a 20th vs 21st Century relationship dilemma that I call the Housewife Relationship Model (HWR Model) versus the Powerhouse Relationship Model (PHR Model) .

Relationship Models

For a little background on the marriage dynamics in ‘This is Us'. Like many great couples Randall has dreams, goals and aspirations that he believes are his right to fulfill. He goes after his pursuits unapologetically with the full assumption that his lovely wife, Beth, should be supportive. Nevermind, the fact that he left his job, said he would drop out of his race for councilman, he didn’t and surprise, he won. Previously, he wanted to adopt a child and his wife again went along and even helped to care for his Dad. Beth, who by all accounts is a great MOM, lost her job and has decided to rekindle her passions of teaching dance, at nights. Well cue the conflict, add in 3 children with full-time schedules, adult passions that don’t pay the same as previous pursuits and the relationship sparks begin to fly. So Randall being the great guy that he is, after seeing the problem, wants to fix it, so he offers the standard “Housewife Relationship Model” solution - his wife should delay her dance dreams so that she can be there for the family. #ProblemSolved. For every couple who has adopted the 20th century “HWR Model” this is a no-brainer. As one of the women in the FB comments said, Beth is a WIFE and MOTHER FIRST. So the fact that she REFUSED to give up her dance dreams is proof that she is SELFISH and frankly Randall deserves a better wife. #Ouch

Yet, Beth didn’t agree and she wanted to have her dreams and goals valued as well. So she did what anyone who is as committed to her family would, she refused to deny herself the joy of doing something she loves. She dances, and they together have to figure out how to take care of all of the other really important things in the house. In the 21st Century the Powerhouse Relationship Model, will continue to be a new standard. There are plenty of growing pains ahead of us which is why it seems like we can’t get enough of #relationshipgoals and examples or blogs like this one. We are truly charting new relationship territory and it’s a very good thing for our sanity and the soul of our nation. I say it often, stable relations result in stable nations. Gone are the days where women are expected to be seen and not heard, to not have any goals of her own except to raise her children and cater to her man, expecting to be last and to have her self-care sacrificed. Because contrary to popular belief a woman is not a Wife and Mother 1st, she is a WOMAN first. Wife and Mother are very important roles that she has taken on but it’s not all she is. The “Powerhouse Relationship Model” only works if it’s built on a foundation of EQUALITY. Not equality as in women and men are the same. Equality that sees a woman’s desires, dream and pursuits etc. as EQUALLY valuable and as important as the man’s. Which by the way, Randall’s voicemail to Beth, when he thought she wasn’t coming, is a perfect illustration of a lack of value that is common in the HWR Model.

Beyond Selfish

Black Women or any woman for that matter who values her professional pursuits, desires to have her husband cheer her on and champion her dreams with the same excitement she does for him IS NOT SELFISH. Understand whether you are #TeamRandall or #TeamBeth, what is really being debated is who is more important, valuable and deserving in relationships. In the Housewife Relationship Model this was not a discussion. It was understood that the Woman’s role as a Homemaker was inside of the house and she was the Chief Dream Supporter for the entire family. Her dreams and ambitions were rarely if ever explored because the understanding was clear, the man would work outside of the home, make money, provide for the family’s PHYSICAL well-being and in return she would provide a home that was peaceful (aka quiet and not bothersome to him), nourish his body, take care of HIS children, bear the emotional responsibility and provide sex upon his demand. Seeing this played out with varying levels of satisfaction , and often with visible, if not spoken exhaustion. A many women realize there is more to life than simply being someone’s wife. Though marriage is still desirable, beautiful and honorable, being placed second to last if not completely last is no longer the aspiration of Women and frankly being only valued for the money that he can provide, with no help is also not the desire of men. In the 21st Century relationships are places you go to give and grow. It’s not a matter of right or wrong and there is nothing selfish about it.

What do you think? How do you decide who gets to go for their dreams?



Let's face it - online dating is a thing and a lot of people loathe it. Longing for the days we all heard about when fate would find two single people in the cereal aisle, who would fall in love near the produce. Instead many are waiting on their Amazon prime delivery, while spending hours swiping left and swiping right in hopes of finding love in a virtual grocery store. After the initial three secconds of excitement wear off the daunting reality sets in, you now have to talk to this picture you liked.  Many start to worry, How do I stand out amongst the 38,000 people on this app?  How can I come off cool but not crazy, funny but not a fool, charming but avoid being cheesy.  All of this and you are still staring at the screen.


Why is dating and making a connection online so hard?  

It’s not that your profile pictures aren’t popping (long as they are clear, shows YOUR face, throw in a full body shot too, that helps) you are good.  


The sobering reality is communication is the #1 challenge in relationships.  Fine, brilliant, nice smelling people who are fluent in English are in front of each other and struggling to communicate.  Online it only gets harder because virtual communication leaves out over 90% of the essential foundation for effective communication,  tone(60%) & body language(30%).   Thus leaving your romantic fate resting squarely upon the remain 10% of communication,  WORDS.   It’s not what you say it’s how you say it still rings true, except in this case it’s WHAT you SAY and HOW they interpret it without your charming, witty self in front of them, that usually makes or breaks the connection.  


So here are 5 ways to make a real connection online and increase your odds of connecting.

Remember 1st words are lasting words

You only have pictures and a few words to make a memorable connection. Not to mention whatever you say will be on the internet forever. So during the initial contact keep it simple - Hello, Hi, Good Morning, followed by something like, what are you looking forward to today? You get the point? Say something that opens the dialogue. Forego terms of endearment such as baby, sweetie, honey at the beginning. Even if you are convinced that this is the love of your life - forego that admission until in person.

Beautiful HUMAN Beings are ONLINE

Honor the reality that just like there is a beautiful person reading this blog right now - the person in the profile is a human being with hopes, dreams, fears and frustrations just like you. Sometimes the informality and the fact that we are connecting through a device causes people to lose sight of the reality that we are interacting with people, through things.

Reading is FUNdamental

Read the profile, or at least scan the pictures and captions to look for common interesting facts or things you can open the discussion with. Oh I see you like museums? Is red you favorite color? You look nice in that red shirt. A little due diligence and observation can go a long way to show sincere interests. Asking questions that are shared in the profile will get you NO cool points. In fact you may get some deductions.

Take it from ONLINE to OFFLINE

Remember the goal is not to DATE online. It’s to meet online and take it offline as quickly as possible to see if there is enough interest to meet for a date. So while you can ask deep and insightful questions to uncover the hopes, dreams and childhood fears of your internet interest, keep the questions to things that can be address in a few sentences. Once you have gone back and forth a few times offer to take it offline. “Hey I’d love to hear the voice behind this handsome/beautiful face. Are you open to that? Wait on a response and offer your number?

I repeat Move the conversation to offline as soon as possible. The longer it stays virtual the more opportunity you have to create a fantasy person. Which often sets you up to be disappointed, because while online you give them a voice in your head but it is a product of your imagination. It is often very different in reality, besides had you actually met him/her in the cereal aisle you would have given your number with significantly less information than you have right now.

The truth is online dating doesn’t have to suck. Trust your self,  pass no judgements on the method you use to find your forever partner.  When you are standing at the altar or wrapped in their warmth and love of your soul-mate will you be mad you connected online? Billions of people are online, so it makes perfect sense that your partner could be too.  Just remember that communication is challenging in person with all of your charm,  but online communication leaves out body language and tone which is literally around 90% of communication.   Words are remaining so the opportunity for miscommunication skyrockets.  So to increase your odds stay true to you and take more shots️.

What do you think makes dating online suck?
