Are You Ready for a LOVE That LASTS?
Can you relate ⤵️⤵️
● You were taught to keep your mind on books, not boys. Now, you have a degree (probably multiple) and are “crushing it” career-wise, but dating practically paralyzes you.
● You find yourself thinking you can’t find love because men are intimidated by your success or your big personality — after all, you’ve heard that a lot of men just can’t handle a strong woman.
● You’ve been on 50 first dates … or can’t remember the last time someone flirted with you.
● You’re fierce in the boardroom, but feel like you could learn a thing or two to bring more fire into the bedroom. You really want to allow the sensual side of you take over, but you aren’t sure how to completely let go.
● You often wonder if you were gullible to believe that if you went to school, focused on your career, and took good care of yourself, a great guy would just come along. (Did you unknowingly sacrifice having a life partner and your own family to achieve your ambitious goals? Is your success now a love liability?)
● Though you would never say it out loud, have you been secretly wondering "If I'm so wonderful, why am I still single. What is wrong with me?" as you see yet another woman who is not as great as you (no shade) easily finding men who adore her.
Smart, successful women everywhere are rising through the ranks of corporations, building powerful, life-changing businesses, and making massive impacts in their communities.
Many of these women, cry themselves to sleep at night, praying that one day, they’ll have someone to share life with.
You have done everything you know to do to find a great guy and you have the vision boards and affirmations to prove it. When people ask the dreaded question “Why are You Single?” you have the spiritually correct reply ready, but deep inside you are screaming “I DON’T KNOW.. because if I did I would not be.”
You know you need to put yourself out there. You know all the good men can’t be taken, but you can’t figure out where YOUR MAN at???
Hey there, I’m Alex — The Love Engineer
Find the love you want. Improve the love you have.
Lover in Training (L.I.T) is a monthly membership program that helps you uncage your true inner self and highlight your most-irresistible traits.
And the best part is...
You’ll learn how to apply practical methods and proven strategies to lay the foundation of a successful 21st Century relationship, attract the right partner, or bring out the best in your current partner.
You’ll discover what you really want and need from a relationship versus what you’ve been programmed to look for, and you’ll learn proven skills and tools to lay a solid foundation for a long-lasting, loving relationship.
It’s YOUR turn to have an Instagram-worthy relationship others envy.
Because you’re tired of being the fun, single friend people only call during a break up because they want to hit up the club.
Because you’re tired of your mom showing your picture and handing out your phone number to every single guy she meets.
Because the thought of facing countless questions because you’ve attended YET ANOTHER Sunday family dinner sans significant other makes you nauseous. (Sure, you’re auntie has good intentions, but you’re tired of pretending you’re single by choice and happy about it week after week.)