
Cuffing Season: The Netflix and Chill Movie Guide


Let’s face it, the weather outside isn’t all that frightful. Thanks to global warming it was a not-so-bad fifty-three degrees in New York last week. The sun crept out, people’s attire lightened up and it felt really good to be outside. Despite the occasional interruptions to Winter, we are still, in fact knee-deep into prime Cuffing Season. Maybe it’s the post-holiday lull, but right now all I want to do with boo is lay up and watch movies and order Seamless. If this is on your list of things to do this week, here are a few “couple-friendly” flicks to watch.

Let’s face it, the weather outside isn’t all that frightful. Despite the occasional interruptions to Winter, we are still, in fact knee-deep into prime Cuffing Season. Maybe it’s the post-holiday lull, but right now all I want to do with boo is lay up and watch movies and order Seamless. If this is on your list of things to do this week, here are a few “couple-friendly” flicks to watch.

The Upbeat Cult Classic


The Wiz, starring Michael Jackson, Diana Ross and Richard Pryor will get you both to ‘ease on down the road to a happy place. This throwback classic is super upbeat and reminds us all of a happier time when MJ was still alive and no one had made any terrible attempts at a live re-make. (bleh)

Required Viewing


There are several reasons why your black card will be revoked if you haven't seen the Netflix Original documentary, 13th. One of which is that it was directed by Powerhouse giant Ava DuVernay and you absolutely have to show support. But also because this reminds us all why we’re so intent on fighting for equality and justice. Get empowered (together).

Creepy But Addictive


If the two of you are up for a binge watching session, definitely check out Black Mirror. This series originated on UK’s Channel 4 and now all 4 seasons are available to stream. Set in the not so distant future, this vignette-style hour long show gives us a glimpse into what the world may soon be like as social media and surveillance continues to rule society.

Marty Marrrrrr….


That time back in the early-2000’s when Martin Lawrence had a televised “bad trip” and got arrested in the middle of traffic in LA. Yea, you remember. Then we walked onto a stage in D.C. and slayed the audience while explaining what went wrong. If you and bae want to tear up laughing, throw this on for the culture.

Mind Bending Blaine


It’s hard to watch and hard to look away. David Blaine, professional illusionist, is also skilled at pushing his body to the extreme. In this series, he visits his friends in Hollywood and gets them to be a part of some pretty insane “magic” tricks. If you want to see Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and Kanye West try really hard not to be frightened – watch this and get ready to feel uncomfortable.

Inspirational Woman of Courage


Sharon Jones (of Sharon Jones and the Dapp Kings) was one of the many celebrity lives claimed by 2016. But she definitely didn’t go without a fight. This wonderfully made documentary tells the story of Sharon, her courage and her incredible talent. Grab the tissues, this one will have you both in your black feelings.